A Wild Animal

The moment Wang steps inside the expert’s room, the expert was taken aback to see that a woman was literally carrying a wild animal in her arms and that too this comfortably. After hearing the entire situation, the doctor told Wang that one thing is for sure that the assumed to be a dog is not a dog. It is a wild animal. And what it actually was, perplexed Wang.

An Undercover Fox

The expert told Wang that she is carrying a domesticated fox with her. Wang was petrified. A chill ran down her spine. All along she had been assuming it to be a dog but it turns out to be a wild fox. How did this happen when she bought it from a pet shop?

Easy Target

The assumed to be puppy was small in size and was a cub when Wang bought it. And just because the Japanese Spitz puppies and fox cubs look really similar in their initial years, people are often fooled about their respective identities.

The Change

The experts told Wang that the difference between a Spitz and a Fox can only be determined by their different and certain specific facial features. And these are highlighted only after a pup or cub turns a few months old. Just because she bought the dog at a very young age there were no scopes of her to find that it wasn’t a dog but a fox.

Characteristic Smell

The animal professionals further stated that the fox becomes distinctive from Spitz when its fur grows thicker, the face begins to point and the tail gets longer. However one of the major changes is that the animal starts to smell. Probably it was this smell which made other dogs scared of Wang’s fox.

Making Sense

Now everything was making sense to Miss Wang. She recalled how even the pooch’s food habits changed. Initially, the animal would eat twice from the pup’s food tray but as he grew old, he would not even eat dog food. Yet there was one thing which Wang was concerned about.