True Love

From the very first moment, Kelly and Rocco met there was an instant connection that couldn’t be described in words. Both Kelly and Rocco liked each other’s company and Rocco became part of the family where he found the real meaning of love and care. Kelly cannot imagine even a single day without him. “I have never felt this strong of a bond or this much love from any living thing,” she said during an interview. We think this is the cutest and purest bond between a human and a dog. What do you think?

By His Side

Since Rocco was taking his medicines to cure his infections and the operation was still due but Kelly knew that things won’t be the same and it doesn’t matter how hard things will get for Rocco she’ll be there for him. The operation was a success and soon Rocco will get better. He’ll be able to enjoy his life again with Kelly and Brewer.

Rocco’s Recovery

Since Rocco’s cut wasn’t a simple cut, it would take time for him to get completely fit. The doctors told Kelly that the wound will take around 2 months to get properly healed. The doctors also told her about the precautions she has to take so that the wound doesn’t catch infection again. The doctors asked Kelly to make sure that she changes the bandages every day and Rocco stays away from water until the time his wound is not healed. Kelly was ready to take care of his little Rocco.

In The End

Kelly knew that the road to recovery won’t be an easy one for Rocco and she realized in how much pain he was. Kelly made sure that he gets all the attention and love that was required. She was ready to do anything for the betterment of her little Rocco. Even Brewer made sure he was there for him and it was just a type of love Rocco was waiting for in his life.

For The Animals

And because of Kelly’s effort and care, Rocco managed to have a speedy recovery and in no time he was running all over the house playing with Brewer and Kelly. Kelly felt like Rocco has forgotten his horrific past and was loving his new life here in her house. The first time she saw Rocco, she knew he was the one she was looking for and she was right. More than Rocco it was her who needed him in her life.

A Reminder

It is almost a year since Kelly adopted Rocco, the cutest pit bull. But the scar is still there on his chest that keeps reminding Kelly of all the suffering hos dog has gone through and because of that, she makes sure that he lives in abundance of love and care. Both Kelly and Rocco love each other are lucky to have each other in their lives.
Just like Rocco, there are other stories too, where pets who suffered mistreatment from the owners or from the people around them. But their recovery is something that inspires us to do good for the animals.