Sometimes, when we least expect it, good things come to us. We must have all experienced something truly unexpected and amazing at least once in each of our lives. The caretakers of this frail lioness were shocked to see an unexpected turn of event. Through the lioness’s experience, they realized that miracles do come true.
Sheila The Lioness
In the year 2009, the U.S. Department of Agriculture was lucky enough to save a lioness that they named Sheila. She was ill-treated at an entertainment center in Texas, so they had to rescue her. This establishment did not take care of the animals they kept for these private shows and Sheila was unfortunately among them. She was nearing death’s door at the center.
Trying To Save Her
So what the USDA did was, they advised the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center in Wylie, Texas to try and save her. This facility was known for nursing stray animals and abandoned animals back to health. However, Sheila’s medical condition was such that the staff members were not so sure if she would even make it. They even contemplated on giving her a merciful death using injections.
Sheila’s Rough Past
Sheila was just over a year old when she got rescued. Her physical health had become so tragic because she did not properly, to the point where she could barely walk. “She had very little muscle coordination, and thus, when she walked, her legs would slip out from under her,” an In-Sync employee told interviewers when asked what caused her health to deteriorate like this.
Losing All Hope
It was a difficult time at the facility because Sheila’s condition was not really improving. Everyone was preparing themselves for the worst as she showed no signs of healing. The lioness became weaker and weaker, throwing up multiple times and slowly started becoming stationary. However, the staff members did not want to lose hope and still persevered.
Needing Extra Care
“For two weeks, I had to go in with Sheila and hand-feed her,” the In-Sync CEO Vicky Keahey told interviewers. Sheila’s head would often bob towards the left and so an exterior help/support was needed. They would leave a pail of water next to her head and assist her to drink.
Unsafe Pet Trades
Very commonly, the pet trades held in the U.S can be very harmful to the animals involved. The inhumane ways that these animals are handled has resulted in such conditions. Most of these trades are done illegally as well. They never get to be in the hands of a well-equipped caretaker who can help improve the animal’s health. Look at Sheila for example.