Emergency Contraception

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Also known a postcoital contraception is a method of birth control in the form of a pill that women take in case of unprotected sex, or if a condom breaks. This is not a regular birth control method and used in case of emergencies only. It only prevents pregnancy and not end one. They delay ovulation. 

Side Effects

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Emergency pills should not be used on a regular basis as they can have adverse effects on the body. Most common of them are abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, irregular menstruation cycle, and headache. These pills have stronger hormones than the birth control pills that are used on daily basis hence their regular use is not recommended.

Implant Side Effects

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Etonogestrel is the contraceptive implant approved by the FDA. It is put in the upper arm of the woman from where it keeps releasing small doses of progestin. It remains highly effective for 3 years. Commonly seen side effects- weight gain, mood changes, headaches, acne, irregular growth of facial hair. 

Should Be Avoided In These Conditions

Implants are not suitable for women with the history of smoking, ectopic pregnancy, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, severe acne- because the hormonal changes can be harmful.
Even this method does not protect against the STDs. 

Vaginal Ring

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The vaginal ring also known as the NuvaRing is a very recent method of birth control. The ring steadily releases a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone which are directly absorbed by the walls of the vagina. They are similar in effectiveness to the birth control pills with fewer side effects. 

The Side-Effects

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If the ring is taken out of the body spontaneously and is out for over three hours, some other birth control method should be resorted to till the beginning of the next period cycle. The ring can only be bought by prescription and this does not prevent STDs.