Yard Sale

After brainstorming through various ideas, they decided to go with the most obvious one; a yard sale. Teri wanted to make some extra money anyway so she thought this was the best option, I mean who knows she might even make her $5 back!

Setting Up The Yard

Teri and her friend started setting up her yard for the sale. She put the painting in the yard along with some other items she wanted to sell out and waited for someone to make an offer. Many friends and neighbors came to the sale. Teri was positive she might make a few bucks here and there, no more no less. 

No Offers

Teri wasn’t surprised when the painting received no attention from any buyer. Nobody made any offers to buy the huge thing. But the sale had just started and people were still coming so there might be somebody who could be interested. Teri waited in hope that someone might still make an offer.

Catching Attention

An art teacher from a nearby college looked at the painting and stopped in his tracks immediately. For some reason, the painting caught his immediate attention. He stepped forward to take a closer look at the massive painting. He stood there for a long while, studying the patterns and running his fingers over the canvas. 

Familiar Painting

He couldn’t tell why the painting looked so familiar. He knew he recognizes it from somewhere as if the brush strokes have a weird sense of familiarity to them. But he couldn’t put his finger to it. He tried to jog his memory and recall where it was from.

End Of The Day

It was the end of the day with barely any customers left at the sale. Teri decided to come to terms with the fact that nobody would buy this gigantic painting. She will probably just dump it in her yard and call it a day. Just then, her eyes landed on a man who was standing in front of the painting and observing it closely.