It’s Complicated

No need to say that the case he had taken into his hand was very complicated. But the man was too determined to cow down. The story of this homeless man had moved him completely.   

 A Feeling In His Gut

He could not help but take up this case after he heard his sad story. He knew from the very beginning that this case was going to take lots of his attention and time yet he chose this one. The man’s intuition was constantly telling him to pursue this case and so he did.       

High Hopes

Charles Inman, the worker said, “He needed to have an identification, but we couldn’t get an identification without a birth certificate.” Moreover, it was too difficult to turn down his request. The man had pinned him with high hopes.    

Chances Are Low

The case-worker did not want to give him false hopes. Even though he really wanted to help him, he knew the chances were very less as the man held no documents. However, he told him that he would do whatever he can.

Sleepless Nights

That night the caseworker couldn’t sleep. He could feel the burden of his promise that he had made to that helpless old guy. He kept tossing and turning on the bed. Would he be able to deliver on that? 

What Would It Be?

Next morning he went to the center to meet the old man. The man was still doubtful whether he should go ahead with the case or not. But what he saw there broke his heart completely. He saw the old man praying to the god. He was thanking God for finally listening to his prayer and sending the caseworker into his life.