Amy Roberson

The baby was in luck. Within fifteen hours of its entry into the world, she was adopted by a childless couple who had been on the lookout for a newborn. She was named Amy Roberson and was taken into a safe, loving and nurturing home. She was an infant when she was adopted so when she changed hands from one set of parents to another she had no clue but as she grew up, she started noticing the apparent differences.

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Perceptive Child

Amy was three years old now and a perceptive child. It did not take her long to notice that her skin color was not the same as that of her parents. It was not only her but the kids at the nursery school too saw what they thought was confusing. When they asked her, the little girl never had an answer because she did not know that she had been adopted.

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Truth Time

There was no one else other than her mother who could help little Amy dispel her confusion so one day in her innocence she asked her why she was dark and she and dad white? The mother having observed the perceptive nature of the child was prepared for the question to pop up at some time or another. She was actually waiting for Amy to ask her and calmly told her that she was adopted.

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Where Was Will?

Meanwhile, unaware of the whereabouts of his daughter, Will with all the determination it took, tried to shift the course of his life. It had been a long time since he had broken up with the woman who gave birth to Amy but breaking up with drugs and alcohol, he found harder to do.

In 2004, he surrendered himself to faith and in his own words, he “found Christ”. This helped him get past his addictions and in 2007 he turned into a pastor.

Her Life Sorted

Amy was 23 now and had her life running smoothly as far as personal affairs were concerned.  She herself had two kids of her own and a job that enabled her to provide for them. From time to time, for a reason that she could not even explain to herself she was drawn to volunteer at the Phoenix Rescue Mission. She volunteered there regularly, this was her life. Her mother provided her with a lead to find her parents. Well, at least her mother for now. Where she found her father? You cannot guess. She could not either.

What Are The Odds?

It was only Amy’s uncontained positivity that led her to believe that her aunt would be living in the same house 23 years later too. She knocked on the door, sure to meet one of her kin and indeed the woman who stood in the doorway was her aunt. Amy, could not contain her happiness. Her aunt will lead her to her mother but what about her father, where and how will she find him?