Waiting for Eternity

Janice made sure to arrive early to allow for any unexpected situations, and the wait to board felt like forever. She was distracted checking her watch every few minutes, which made her completely oblivious to what happening around her.
While she was waiting to board, someone was watching her every move. This person would put a dent in her plans to go home and be reunited with her loved ones. And she had no idea who this person was or why was this person keeping a watch over her.
Boarding Call

Finally, the boarding call came and Janice quickly rose from her seat. She tried to be the first in line, but she wasn’t fast enough—many other passengers beat her there. At least the line was moving, even if it was slower than she liked.
Janice watched as each person had their passport checked before they got onto the plane. She was so focused on getting on the aircraft that she wasn’t aware of what the other passengers were doing. She was just too focused on her own that she forgot about her surroundings.
Taking Her Seat

As Janice made her way on the plane, she longingly looked at the business class section. The chairs looked so cozy and Janice wished she was sitting in one of them. She hoped to one day experience this luxury.
But she kept on going to her assigned seat in the economy class. However, there were a ton of people finding their seats and blocking her from getting to hers. And this was not something she thought she would find.
The Way Back

Janice’s seat was in the back. And not just in the back, but all the way in the back with just a few seats between her and the flight attendants. Janice was sat in the last window seat on the plane. She was happy about her seat, but the queue to reach there was long.
So, she needed to wait a while for the people in front of her to get situated. Before they could clear the aisle, they needed to put away their hand luggage. And that was kind of time consuming. Her wait time increased due to passengers keeping their luggage.
Strange Looks

While waiting to get to her seat, Janice felt a lot of eyes on her. The people who were already seated were staring at her. They were investigating her, and she couldn’t figure out why they were looking at her. The other passengers even started whispering as if they had a secret.
She couldn’t help but think they were talking about her. But that wasn’t the only thing that felt off to Janice. This not only made her curious but also conscious and she felt deeply like she was the subject of their conversation or like she was being pointed at while they talk.
Military Uniform

Janice gave herself a quick look and she realized why they were looking at her—she was wearing her military uniform. That’s when everything started making sense. Anyone would look at the uniform and wonder if everything is alright on the plane. She assured herself it was the uniform they were talking about.
Growing up, Janice often saw people acting this way around her father whenever he was in uniform. He told her it was best to ignore the looks, which is what she did. Besides, Janice was trained to block out useless information. Little did she know that her uniform would change the entire course of the flight.