The Rescue Mission

Lovett had been a rescuer for a very long time. She had rescued many animals before that. So in no time, the woman came up with a plan to catch the fox. She made the fox run into the utility room. She  says, we shooed him into the utility room where I was able to calm him down and put him in a cat box.” Well, what happened next made their rescue mission even more interesting. 

The Spooky Fireworks!

Lovett was having a cat box and a grasper with her and she was going to make use of these two instruments only in rescuing the fox. They had today only as it was Saturday which meant that the night was going to be full of fireworks. She said, “one of the biggest nights for fireworks, and we knew we had to get the fox to safety.”

He Seems Tame

Thanks to Lovett’s experience she managed to get a hold on the fox.  Thereafter she took the fox to the Wildlife Center Stapeley Grange. The center remained open even in the midnight so that people could visit the fox whenever required. Lovett later described that the beast “was very quiet and seemed tame.” The fox was also named……… 

“Shadow” -The Fox

The fox was named “Shadow.” The wildlife center’s staff also revealed that this animal was a male silver fox. The fox of this kind is primarily bred for their unique fur. Amazingly it did not take long for the shadow to get along with the humans which meant that the fox was not strange to the humans. Perhaps, it was someone’s pet. 

Exotic Pet

By observing the behavior of the fox it seemed that it was an exotic pet that must have gone lost, abandoned or ran away from his owner. It was difficult to believe that someone had abandoned this beautiful animal.

Was He A Pet?

There was no clue as to who was the owner of Shadow. But the team was doing its best to find out his owner. The fox had not been microchipped either that made the case even worse. No fox remains so calm around humans but this one was very friendly with them.