We must have all heard about cauliflowers somehow getting into our smoothies, rice bowls, and more. It is now time for broccoli to add a splash to your everyday coffee.
The idea behind this broccoli coffee was thought of all the way back in Australia by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Hort Innovation. “With a rising trend in healthy eating across the board, Australian growers are always looking at ways to diversify their products and cut waste while meeting consumer demand,” Hort Innovation chief executive John Lloyd expressed, “Research shows the average Australian is still not eating the recommended daily intake of vegetables a day, and options such as broccoli powder will help address this.”
The people behind this new drink informed the website Science Alert that the drink has a quite the confusing review at Melbourne coffee shop that has served them for a while now.
Broccoli coffee is made from the dried vegetable which has been grounded to become a fine powder and simply mixed inside the coffee. This nutrient-rich powder, when stirred in your cup of coffee, has its benefits. Just two tablespoons equal one serving of vegetables.
Health’s contributing nutrition editor Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, is very supportive of this new beverage and hopes everyone gets with it.
“I like the idea of a product like this being used to reduce food waste and provide a simple way to add a serving of veggies, especially a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, which is among the most protective against both heart disease and cancer, our two leading causes of death,” she explains, “Attempting to add it to coffee makes sense, because it’s something most people already drink daily, and one of the best ways to create healthy change is to piggyback onto an existing habit.”
Sass is so for the drink that she suggests mixing the powdered broccoli with other daily drinks or food even if you do not live it in your coffee.
“If you just can’t stomach the idea of adding broccoli powder to your coffee, try another option, like whipping it into a smoothie, adding it to overnight oats along with fruit, or adding it to mashed avocado as a topping for nearly anything,” she suggests.