
Bryozoa build their own phylum. They are members of superphylum known as Lophophorata. The group involves worm-like and clam-like organisms. Interestingly, all of these creatures are filter-feeders. They take in use of lophophore, tentacles in order to pick food bits.


Zooid stays have a hard outer surface that saves it from the outer world. The surface has a hole that enables zooid to stick out its lophophore to get food. Other times, they keep their tentacles under the casing, renowned as zooecium.

Colony People

As mentioned above, Zooids live in the colony. But how do they stay together? Well, the zooids stay glued with each other due to the fluid transport system. They communicate with each other with the help of zooecium. They all have a pore to communicate.

It Depends

The bryozoans have different shapes and sizes depending on their species. There are a number of varied species of bryozoans with diverse patterns and shapes. Some of them are extremely beautiful and complicated. And some has an ugly appearance.

A Great Defense Strategy

In order to avoid predators, these organisms prefer to stick together. It is one of the prime reasons why they form a community. Thanks to their color, the community easily hides them behind the marshy areas. Hence, are less likely to attract the eyes of predators.      

A Large Community

The scientists explained that the reason bryozoan found in such a big amount particularly in the filtration area because the region had no current and the water there is rich in nutrients the organisms consumes. The filtration system does away with the pollutants found in the nearby areas. That is the reason bryozoan managed to survive so long.