Most Powerful One

William III did whatever in his power to make the navy of Great Britain the most powerful one that would ultimately emerge as the main player around the global stage around the 19th century.   

Nationalized Institution

In 1946, the Bank of England went on to become a nationalized organization. Things changed when in 1998 it was declared an independent public organization. The changes introduced most recently implied that the bank was owned by government’s Treasury Solicitor. However, the bank was entitled to make its own policies related to finance.   

Stock Of Gold

The Bank of England still hasn’t lost its value even after all the changes it has gone through. And among all that has retained its value, stock of gold bars tops the list. There is a vault of gold bars inside the bank. Thanks to a number of traders investing in gold when the market turns volatile. 

Crossing The Border

Gold has many benefits of its own. It can be exchanged between countries. It is also famous as universal currency as its value does not degrade even after crossing the borders. The London Good Delivery standard of the bank make way for the easiest path of the transaction of gold bars as now they also have their identical gold bars.    

Gold Trading

Gold trading might sound a difficult task but in reality, it is the easiest way one can think about. Did you know the bars never leave regardless of the change in their ownership? The bank keeps track of each bar by giving them a serial number. When a person goes on trading their bullion, the bars are officially named as a possession of a new owner. 

15th-Largest Keeper

The Bank of England secures 4,600 tons of gold that makes it the world’s 15th-largest keeper of gold reserves. The gold bars have a value of £156 billion. Interestingly, half of them are kept in a vault built beneath the busy city.