A Higher Chance Of Success

After years of failed attempts, Annie was deemed infertile but the doctors decided to implant two fertilized eggs into her as well. They were on the same cycle and the doctors thought that it would only increase their chances as they didn’t have anything to lose.


The day had finally arrived, the good news made up for the unpleasant experience that Annie and Joby had endured for the last 5 years. The pregnancy test confirmed that Chrissy was pregnant, but what left everyone stunned was Annie being tested positive for pregnancy. After years of failed efforts she was deemed infertile, and what eventually happened, was nothing less than a miracle.

Partners In Crime

Chrissy and Annie, both the sisters were like two peas in a pod. They were each other’s best friend since the time they were kids. From attending the same school to getting themselves enrolled in the same university and what not. As a matter of fact, both these women found the love of their life at Ohio University. It was always as if their lives were in sync, and now she was going to carry her babies for her younger sister.

An Unexpected Shock

After all, Annie had been through, the doctors wanted to assure that at least one implant ends up as a success. It was only a matter of weeks and both the sisters decided to go meet with their doctor, Jain Lindauer, to get updates on their implants. Little did they know it was only first of the many surprises they had signed up for.

Great News

The doctors had already warned the sisters that there’s a slight possibility that both of them might end up conceding. But, given the medical history of Annie, the family thought it was impossible. So when the word came from the doctor, “We have double the good news…” they were left astonished.

Seeing Double

Everything went well and both the sisters conceived the very same day with both the implantation being successful. It was a dream come true for Annie, but there was more to it than she could have ever imagined, that there was another surprise in store for her.