No Forever Home
Dogs are social beings just like us humans, so when they are kept away from any kind of interaction, it becomes a problem. They get affected if they are not exposed and trained well to be around other dogs or other people. Lucky had been kept with literally no human or animal interaction for a few years, so he now had behavioral problems. Due to this, all his foster families would keep returning him.
Still Searching
And even after the rescue team tried hard to help the dog, since his behavior was too weird, no foster family wanted to keep him. And so, in the end, Lucky had to be kept in the man’s backyard once again. But animal lovers who stayed nearby were not giving up on the poor helpless dog that easily. They continued to search for a home that Lucky could live in. Then Jamie Hulit soon took notice.
One More Chance
After the neighbors of Lucky were looking for someone who could take him in and give him shelter, Jamie got hold of the news. She works as a public relations executive and a resident of Austin. She is a volunteer who is a regular at the local rescue organizations and often brings home foster dogs and cats. One day, she saw Lucky’s story as she was scrolling through her Facebook…
A Significant Story
And when she read Lucky’s story and plea, Jamie could immediately know that this dog was for her to help. She quickly dropped a message to her friend and said to him, “I would love to take that dog in and give him a home.” And this dog was not just another pup in need for Jamie. It turned out Lucky’s story was quite special and held some significance for her.
Same Story
Lucky’s story turned out to be quite similar to what Jamie had been through in her past life. By the time Jamie was just seven years of age, she was kept in foster care for about two years until she was finally adopted at the age of nine. She could relate to not having a place to live. “I wanted him to have stability and a place he knew was his home,” she revealed later in an interview.
A Place For Him
Jamie was hit right in the heart when she heard about how many times Lucky had been returned by his foster families. She felt so bad for the poor pup who did not deserve to be treated this way. Jamie added, “He had already bounced around and I just wanted him to be a dog.” She was not aware of the real condition that Lucky was in even after taking him in.