The best childhood memory all of us have is recalling how our mother ran behind us for making us eat food. Being kids we would run away from drinking milk and eating healthy fruits and vegetables and then our mom would run behind us to consume those. Almost all of us have been told since the building years that ” Health is Wealth”, but not many of us really pay attention to it. And it’s always the mom who would actually make us sit and eat.
Just like any other mother, the mother of our story is considerate towards her little daughter. She would pack her lunch daily and one day she finds a note from her daughter’s school in her lunch box that changed the dynamics of nutrition for children forever. What was this questionable thing about a mere lunchbox that raised such a huge public drama?
Loving Mother
Leeza Pearson and her four-year-old daughter Natalee lived in Colorado. Being a working woman, Leeza had a hectic schedule. She had to wake up early in the morning and had to pack lunch for herself and her daughter as well. As Natalee was in her growth years, Leeza made sure that she provided her with healthy food. But one day…
Alarm Off
It was Friday morning and Leeza was deep in her sleep. That morning when the alarm went off she just shut it off and slept again. After sleeping for about half-an-hour extra she realized that she was getting late for work and even making Natalee late for school. She wakes up in panic and dresses up her daughter for school.
Prepared Lunch
As Natalee was quite young in age, Leeza made sure that she packs her a lunchbox incorporated with different colors that would attract Natalee and persuade her to eat it. She would add fruits and sandwiches with some salad. But as that day she was running late, she did not have enough time to prepare all this stuff and thus, packs her lunch with whatever she had handy along with some biscuits. She didn’t know that a sudden change in her daughter’s lunch would cost her a lot.
Hungry Stomach

It was just any other day for Leeza. She drove to her office and dropped Natalee to her school on the way. While she picked up Natalee in the noon, she was tensed. Natalee was hungry stomach and wanted to eat something. Leeza was confused that as she packed her lunch then how come was her daughter this hungry. She thought that Natalee did not have her lunch that day.
Back Home
While driving back to home, Leeza asked Natalee about her day at school. Usually, she would very excitedly tell her mother about the activities she did at school, but that day Natalee sounded low and irritated. When asked if she had her lunch or not, Natalee told her that she did not eat her lunch that day. But why? Did something happen at her school?
A Note
On entering the home, Natalee once again said to Leeza, “Mom, I am hungry”. Leeza was surprised as Natalee never felt this hungry before at this time of the day. To make sure that she had her lunch today, Leeza opens her lunch box and was surprised to find a note in it along with the pack of biscuits she packed in it today. What was the note about?