A Choice

Patti Moon who is the Chief Communications Officer at Auror Public Schools clarified on his end that, as a school, it is their responsibility to promote healthy eating choices amongst kids and as well as motivate the parents to do so as well. And as far as Natalee’s returning home empty stomach is concerned, she was actually offered another snack to eat.

Her Response

Natalee on being offered a healthier fruit snack refused to consume it only because she was devoid of her biscuits. And neither was this the case that the biscuits were taken away from her and thrown into the trash. No! Amongst the hundred other students at the school, it was solely Natalee’s decision to stay an empty stomach.

 A Few Options

As the preschool is the building age of the children, it is important that preschoolers are provided with healthy and nutrient dense food. Colorful fruits and some vegetable sandwiches along with rice and curries are a healthy meal option for the kids. Also providing them with protein in form of milkshakes and curd is a good choice.

Revolution Kits

Often parents are confused when it comes to nutritious food for children, especially in lunch boxes. To make this a little easy, two Californian women introduced a ready-made packed food packet for kids. These food packs were known as revolution kits and are believed to be low on sodium and absolutely preservative free.

A Great Idea

Leeza appreciated this new lunching option but at the same time, she wants parents to provide their children with healthy and freshly made food. Instead of quantity, quality food should be focused upon. Not only Leeza but all the parents should be particular about the meal pattern for their kids.

Stepping Forward

With time the matter sorted out between both the parties. While Leeza agreed that she should provide a healthy meal, the school also reverted in the same manner. Natalee now stepped into the elementary school and is living a healthy lifestyle. However, the school made a special remark.